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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  October 24, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> it is wednesday, october 24th and this is "fox and friends first". on the east coast with fox news alert, criminals in the caravan. shocking revelations from homeland security is the massive wave of migrant is closer to the us, live at the border with the birdseye view of the daily struggle are border agents face. >> we simply cannot allow people to pour into the united states and detected, undocumented, unchecked.
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shannon: an unlikely ally. donald trump is using former president obama to back his immigration policies. that is a lot of cash. at least one lucky winner in that massive mega millions jackpot. is that you? where the winning ticket was just sold. "fox and friends first" starts now. ♪ ♪ give me the go ♪ shannon: love that song. lady antebellum to get you moving that is a shot at downtown i think in new york city.
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thank you for joining us. you are watching the first live show of the day on "fox and friends first". thank you for starting the day with us. let's start with the fox news alert. officials confirming there are known criminals and gang members in the caravan heading to the us border. griff jenkins getting a birdseye view of the complications facing our border agents. he is live this morning in mcallen, texas, with more on all of this. >> reporter: good morning. dhs officials with interesting revelations, spokesman tweeting out he believes there are individuals in this caravan 1000 miles south of the position where i in mcallen, texas, individuals that are gang members with criminal histories as well as citizens of other countries. more on that developing. on the border 1000 miles north
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of the caravan, air and marine operations to get a look at how difficult this border is to secure. >> a brief overview of the challenges the men and women of border patrol and law enforcement his face every day, this border is unique. what most people don't realize, the geography portrays in itself, the river bends in many locations, mexico in this little strip of the us. a couple in custody and he sees a few more, he already has his head also this other agent is coming towards us. >> we are looking for the other one. >> there's a reason those people are running. those people want to because.
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>> caught and released. >> a lot going on on the southwest border that doesn't get captured. and they are enforcing the laws and the technology resources to secure the border. >> in terms of apprehension numbers, the cdp releasing southwest fiscal year 2018 apprehension, 100,000 up 42%. the caravan miles away, it will add to the problem. >> the numbers don't include the unaccompanied minors numbers which were overwhelming, the caravan formed on the way, thank you, we appreciate your hard work. the caravan continues to march
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towards the border despite serious warnings from donald trump. lieutenant governor dan patrick whose status on a collision course with these migrants said they better be ready to head back home. >> it is clear these people who are coming here don't understand this president is serious, they are not getting into this country and for those who do cross illegally will be turned around and send back. he is bringing the might of the military. we are going to have larger and expansion attention. with expedited courts, jagged offices, magistrates, everyone coming to the border. for everyone to get across they will be turned around and go through the process, put on an airplane and send back. this will not stand under this president. this president is serious, he has drawn a line in the sand, we have done it in texas and then what we can to help him, he has been on this issue since campaigning. >> the white house is ready to
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send 2000 national guard troops to protect the border. another story, fox news alert, 2000 volunteers searching for a teenager that went missing the night her parents were murdered. people coming through the area near the wisconsin home coming up empty. >> a little girl -- looking for her. >> according to the daily mail all search volunteers must register drivers licenses not only to keep track of everyone helping but investigators claim guilty people stay close to the investigation, officials looking for two cars linked to the murders and kidnapping. jamie is believed to be alive. hurricane willa slamming into mexico as a category 3 hurricane. it has weakened to a tropical
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storm at this point, giant waves crashing on the pacific coast bringing life-threatening storm surge and 120 mile-per-hour windss. tropical storm willa pushing towards the us expected to dump rain on central and eastern texas. some of those areas facing historic flooding after torrential downpour soaked the state last week. donald trump taking a firm stance against the saudi's after chilling details service in the killing of jamal khashoggi. >> the cover-up was one of the worst in the history of cover-ups. very simple. bad deal, should never have been thought of. somebody really messed up. they had the worst cover-up ever. >> reporter: sky news reported washington post columnist's body parts were found in the garden of the saudi council general's home in is dental.
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the state department revoking visas from 2 dozen potential suspects. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein's highly anticipated meeting with house lawmakers scheduled for today, now pushed back. leaders delaying the meeting saying there wouldn't have been time to ask their questions. rosenstein taking scrutiny over the russia probe and a report claiming he wanted to wear a wiretap to secretly record the president. lawmakers could bring him in early next week. donald trump will probably meet with vladimir putin next month. the president making that announcement as tensions rise over the decades old nuclear treaty. allison barber is live in washington with what is at stake. >> reporter: the announcement came after two days of high-level meetings and russia. the final one between vladimir putin and national security adviser john bolton, the us is
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confident russia violated the nuclear forces treaty and the us, despite calls from russia and european union countries, to stick with it. >> it is the american position that russia is in violation. it is russia's position they are not in violation so one has to ask how you convince the russians to come back into compliance with obligations they don't think they are violating? >> i'm surprised to see the position taken by other states. i do not think they can do that. >> reporter: the us and soviet union signed the treaty in 1987 to prevent nuclear war. the treaty prohibited land-based crews and ballistic missiles with ranges between 300-3500 miles. the obama administration accused russia violated the treaty in 2014. critics like some officials with the eu say leaving the treaty could spark another arms race.
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donald trump and vladimir putin will talk about all of it next month in france during commemorations marking the 100th anniversary of the end of world war i, reportedly to continue direct dialogue with donald trump and they agreed trump would look forward to meeting with vladimir putin in paris. >> something good could come out of that. we probably will. shannon: repair's first encounter since the controversial summit in helsinki after the imf treaty arguing in part countries like china were not involved in the original treaty and in his view they should be. heather: thank you. the boston red sox strike first taking game one of the world series. >> hammered into left, it is
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gone. heather: it is done. and water nunez blasting a 3 run home run, putting the game out of reach, the red sox getting to clayton kershaw early before securing an 8-4 win over the dodgers, game 2 tonight on fox. a lucky person could be waking up a billionaire. at least one winning ticket sold for the record $1.6 billion mega millions jackpot, sold in south carolina. the winning numbers are 5, 28, 62, 65, 70, the mega ball is five. a single when can walk away with $913 million. lump sum of that. and and tonight's powerball drying. share it with all of us.
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it is 11 minutes after the top of the hour. flames ripping through a church. what is blamed for sparking this massive fire. democrats promising to ramp up the mueller pro. and knowing the mayor discovered to make.
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shannon: the mueller probe could end after the midterm elections were drinking democrats on the house intelligence committee admit there are no plans to back off the collusion theory. >> the republicans walked away from the investigation, the democratic minority has continued and we are bringing witnesses in and learning more and that won't stop when we take
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the majority but we will get answers the republicans were unwilling to pursue. records the republicans wouldn't ask for. heather: can the investigation continue even if the mueller case closes? criminal defense attorney david bruno, thanks for joining us. not going to stop it no matter what. >> the house intel committee, he is the minority leader. if dems take the house and he becomes the chair he gets to set the agenda, gets to figure out who gets subpoenaed and when. what he is saying is this is not going away. if they take power it will be about the house. heather: they had more power than the doj and mueller? >> the department of justice is responsible for the prosecution of crimes, congress has oversight, they can't charge, the best they can do from house
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until for the doj, if mueller completes his investigation and the department of justice comes to a conclusion the river will be nothing. heather: why do it? >> a policy point right now. heather: to the midterms. >> an important election for the senate with the nomination, the senate controls the nomination it has their committees but the house, impeachment committees, the ability to do that. heather: in terms of the mueller probe, he won't make anything public or doesn't have to do that and wrap the investigation after the midterms. do you think if there was something there it would be weeks prior to the midterms, if something significant is found? >> one thing they have done well is keep the information site. there haven't been leaks on
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those. they have done a good job. most said it is likely mueller won't come out to make decisions through the window and he has. heather: rod rosenstein saying he wants them to wrap it up allegedly but he himself not testifying today which is behind closed doors. let's talk about this serves. gop leaders urging homeland security to adopt safe third-party agreements, and agreement with mexico over the migrant caravan hopefully taking pressure off the overworked asylum system in the us. how would that work? >> senator grassley and lee, director neilsen of homeland security. we have the same agreement with canada. a treaty on the north border under the terms of this
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agreement somebody seeking asylum would have to do it in the first country they can do it. heather: how do we guarantee mexico would follow through? >> we would have to get them to agree. if it is an agreement, a treaty that has been done in canada, the first part is the agreement, mexico will say we will take these asylum-seekers. heather: look at those numbers, people trying to walk across that bridge and another caravan on the way as well. julie: the part of homeland security came out yesterday and said there are gang members and criminals in the group. we have to be careful. it is not just a scare tactic for republicans and the administration. there are 7000 people mostly men and there has to be concern. the 20 we know guatemala is a portal to the middle east for asia.
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hundred isis terrorists, we don't have the time frame of that but guatemala said they have to do with that. >> mike pence talking about venezuela as well. a lot of concerns on this issue. heather: thank you, appreciate it. a health alert, viruses targeting children, one of them turning deadly. >> it is tough because we don't have a cause. how do you diagnose something like that? heather: what every parent needs to know. caught red handed. not one but two democrats busted for stealing from their republican rival. ♪ not about the money money money ♪ money money money ♪ went to make the world i am a family man.
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i am a techie dad. i believe the best technology should feel effortless. like magic. at comcast, it's my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome.
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heather: look at this. neighbors watch in horror as a historic church goes up in flames. >> grew up in this town, 25 years. it is a landmark here for me. >> they sold lightning moments before the church completely ignited in wakefield massachusetts in boston, 100 firefighters battling those flames, 150-year-old landmark. no one was injured. a pilot walks away unharmed after crashing his vintage world war ii plane on a busy highway. firefighters pulling out the pilot before the plane burst into flames in southern california. the pilot says he was doing a test run when the engine failed. no one else was on board and no one was injured. fox news alert.
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two different a very serious illness is striking children in the us. 6 children dying from a virus in new jersey is more cases of that rare polio like disease are reported across the country. jackie ibanez joins us with agree morning from doctors. >> reporter: parents on edge over frightening outbreaks pretty nationwide. and new jersey rehab center shutting its doors to new patients after 6 kids died's from a rare virus. 12 other children are affected, the medical center that provides long-term care for medically fragile children, doctors sounding off on the dangers of a highly contagious virus. >> slightly more aggressive strain of this virus and children who have immune systems that can't handle simple viruses without complications. heather: health the permit officials blame the outbreak on
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handwashing deficiencies as the cdc is investigating 155 cases of a different disease, a 22% spike in the last week, 62 cases confirmed by the cdc in 22 states. realistically seen in kids can cause paralysis was the hardest part for doctors not being able to diagnose properly. >> diagnosis is tough because we don't have a known cause. it is very painstaking, very tedious. heather: the long-term effect of this mysterious disease are unknown and parents should seek medical attention if their child has any unusual symptoms. heather: on top of that the us warned about this deadly measles outbreak in europe. lots to consider. the time is 26 after the top of the hour. big tech and social media sites
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dumping money into democrats. is donald trump right to rail against these companies and their censorship? we will debate it. >> you don't hear about the blue wave, you don't hear so much. are you still talking about the blue wave? heather: campaigner in chief, less then two weeks until the midterms, donald trump is in an all out rally blitz, an exclusive look at his multimillion dollar plan to keep capitol hill red went on pyro joins us next. ♪ can't get you out of my head ♪ i am seeing rgest selection of audiobooks on audible. and now, get more. for just $14.95 a month, you'll get a credit a month good for any audiobook, plus two audible originals exclusive titles you can't find anywhere else. if you don't like a book, you can exchange it any time, no questions asked. automatically roll your credits
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over to the next month if you don't use them. with the free audible app, you can listen anytime, and anywhere. plus for the first time ever, you'll get access to exclusive fitness programs a $95 value free with membership. start a 30-day trial today and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. audible. the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. text "listen16" to 500500 to start your free trial today.
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heather: half past the top of the hour the president hopping on the campaign trail in wisconsin building support in the battleground state boosting republicans ahead of the midterms. now, less than two weeks away, todd pyro is live with a look at
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the multimillion dollar plan to keep republicans in power, spending money and time on the trail. >> reporter: we are in the home stretch with the next 14 days expected to be filled with an advertising blitz by the president with more fire up the base rallies in key congressional district. fox news has learned the trump campaign is planning a $6 million tv digital ad beginning on monday lasting through election day sending an additional $3 million to the republican national committee. not to mention ten more make america great again rallies he plans to hold in support of republicans. check out where the president has been so far since october 9th, a large part of the country. look where he's going to make, wisconsin, tamara charlotte, saturday illinois, all rallies where you can bet he will be hitting his message pretty hard. >> this will be the election of
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the caravan, brett kavanaugh, law and order, tax cuts and common sense, that is what it is, common sense. >> reporter: democrats pulling out all the stops and big names. >> when working people and young people don't vote, right-wing republicans and billionaires win. >> the single most important election we have ever been involved in because the very essence of who we are as americans under attack. we are in a battle for the soul of america. and i don't think it is hyperbole. >> reporter: the campaign operation will spend $20 million on the midterms with his campaign manager, he is all in. >> keeping up all those rallies, 10 more to go is crazy. >> reporter: at the tail end of the bruising season.
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heather: we will talk more about big money in tech and social media sites dumping money into democrats less then two weeks from the midterms which is donald trump right to rail against these countries and their censorship. and the new york state senate, thank you for joining us. you talk about the republican party, and to counter what these big tech companies are spending and we could bring up these numbers as we get into it because google, facebook and twitter giving a total of $2.4 million to house and senate candidates according to the sec filings, about 8% went to republican this.
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what about that? >> the point is what is the content of the campaign. selling the emotional argument at a loss right here. people in 2016 brought into donald trump and the trump agenda on the promise of what he would do. now you are talking results. i'm on the streets of manhattan, liberal ground 0 of america. i talk to people every day. registered democrats who appreciate 4.2 gdp, appreciate isis being annihilated, appreciate record low unemployment for blacks, hispanics, they are happy, happy with results. that is what donald trump will be selling. heather: the question is whether those results are fairly represented by big tech companies that control so much
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of the message to people today and spending that amount of money on democrats, can it be fair? >> tech employees like every other american have the ability to contribute to the campaign, the cause -- they decided to do that. i'm not concerned about -- the corporations, special interests, big-money flooding our elections, we are seeing undisclosed amounts going to super pacs, and other funds where everyday americans have their voices drowned out. that is the real issue. heather: the majority of americans seem to agree with you, they don't once companies and brands getting involved in politics, 60%, 62% disagree.
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what do you think of that? let me get pete to go. >> real boundaries over what they have with politics. people don't discuss it with certain friends. to infringe on that boundary, you better know what you are doing. nike took a big risk, and ultimately given their target market it will work well for them but people have to realize politics is emotional. we are a tribal society. we watch tv at different times of the day, what we have in common is politics and it is dividing us because it is so riveting right now. heather: our ratings of increased, now you only have four players left kneeling and you don't hear about that anymore.
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>> politics in brands, when it comes to market research, brands know what their customer response, we saw that with nike after they came out in support of colin kaepernick, their sales went up. we have seen a lot of brands talk about what their consumers want. with the millennial audience to be socially responsible and inclusive and millennial's have increasing buying power. this is a change we will see and most companies make sure they do their own work before they bring something to market before they bring something this explosive. heather: we will see what happens closer to the midterms. the time is 20 minutes until the top of the hour. another conservative targeted by violence. a boulder thrown into the office of congressman kevin mccarthy. speaking of republicans being
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harassed. [shouting] heather: the message mitch mcconnell has for protesters who tried to disrupt his inner. carly shimkus here with reaction online. ♪ what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram. is it ram? not ram. that's a chevy! it's chevy! that's right. from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. gorgeous. chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these.
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>> why don't you get out of here? shannon: mitch mcconnell is no stranger to public harassment in the kentucky republican's firing back telling radical mobs he will not be intimidated. carly shimkus with serious xm 115 is here with reaction from the outraged online community.
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>> reporter: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell providing more, he was heckled at a restaurant. and louisville kentucky's career journal. and rested his table and through his wife to go container outside on the ground. and he says he failed. and the reality is simple. i will not be intimidated. it is systematically fed and encouraged by the far left across the nation. donald trump is talking about these protests popping up ahead of the midterm elections using the hashtag jobs, not mobs and social media is weighing in on unfolding situations, jt says i
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was born and raised a democrat, democrats of today are warped. i have no plans of ever voting for another democrat as long as i live, surely chiming in on twitter saying good for him, the public needs to come to the aid of these people being screamed at while dining at a restaurant, steve weighing in, way to go mitch, true americans are with you, mitch mcconnell talked about a situation that happened, and a social worker who says it was a very pleasant exchange saying that is how the government should work. shannon: agree to disagree. the man allegedly grabbed his leftovers and through it. my house being changed. president obama agreed with what donald trump is saying in terms of immigrants. >> senator barack obama from 2005.
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>> people pouring into the united states and circumventing the line of people waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country. >> reporter: donald trump tweet did that do that video saying i agree with president obama 100%. don't think anybody ever thought we would hear donald trump junior look at the screen here, he commented about them on twitter saying it is weird how this wasn't remotely controversial when obama said it, now it is a political stunt for the left, the migrant cavanagh caravans making its way toward the us and donald trump is trying to stop it in an opinion critics are calling heartless. >> securing the border alone is not enough but something we can never get enough of our good deeds by police officers. >> reporter: a police officer in
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somerville going viral for this act of kindness. this officer pulled over his squad car to play catch with a little boy, tossing a football around by himself. he started playing with him. that boy's parents tracked down the officer and thanked him writing this made my son and today and i wanted this officer to know he rocks. we echo that sentiment. heather: 15 minutes until the top of the hour, nancy pelosi vowing to subpoena donald trump if democrats win control of the house. >> subpoena power is interesting. to use it or not to use it. it is great to have. heather: meet the congressman trying to help the most vulnerable republicans in a direct attempt to prevent that from happening. he joins us live next. - i think the best company's succeed as a team
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the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. text "listen5" to 500500 to start your free trial today. julie: republican kevin mccarthy targeted by vandals, thieves tossing a boulder through the house majority leader's california office before breaking into steel equipment. mccarthy says it is hard not to blame democrats. >> encouraging this behavior that is unacceptable. one thing about america, we believe in civil discourse was you can agree, disagree with someone and not be disagreeable because it is in your face and encouraged from the democratic side. heather: police searching for these two men caught on surveillance cameras before the break-in. we will speak with the house majority leader live at 8:15 on "fox and friends". democratic candidates in two
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cities caught on camera stealing from their rivals campaign. city council candidates arrested for allegedly moving campaign signs. she believes her opponent, quote, mass-produced and placed negative signs with lies about her and in delaware statehouse candidate monique jones or johns apologizing for moving pamphlets from the door placed there by her opponent. nancy pelosi is so confident she will become speaker of democrats win back the house that she already has a plan to derail donald trump. >> subpoena powers interesting. to use it or not to use it. it is a great arrow to have in your quiver in terms of negotiating. heather: one republican is not ready to let that happen and has his own plan to stop her. indiana congressman joins us to
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explain. thanks for joining us. what is it you have done? >> it is harnessing the power of the internet together, small dollar donations, the democrats have act. . in the last 30 days they raised $36 million for democrat candidates, more than republicans have been able to raise. i got together with friends, we are 14 days from election day, still a lot of time for republican donors to give $25, $50 at the time and help the 23 most vulnerable republicans. we created stop speaker we picked 23 of the most vulnerable candidates around the country. these are the candidates who are going to determine whether the republicans keep the majority, republicans can go to stop speaker, the money will go directly to help these most vulnerable candidates. >> how did you pick those
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specific races? donald trump on the campaign trail made a stop in a lot of states you listed, 23 different races. >> 23 of the most tossup races. the public polling shows which races around the country are going -- what it really boils down to. we haven't 23 seat majority today and these are the 23, i believe and my friends believe these are the 23 races that will determine whether republicans or democrats stay in the majority so gives donors around the country an opportunity, all the dollars will go to these candidates except a processing fee, no consultants are making money, this goes to help these candidates at the time they need it most, run commercials in these final days. >> we were talking about the massive amounts of money being
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spent, the president doubling down, $6 million ad campaign, talked about the big tech companies spending heavily on democrats. how important is money as we get into these final days going to the midterms? >> republicans are getting crushed when it comes to fundraising because of democrat tools like act blue. that has allowed democrats to run more tv commercials and the tv commercials in these last two weeks are really going to swing these close races where the polling shows these are the races where polling shows they are closest so just at $25 donation from donors all over the country at a time, that could equal a little more money to give a boost to these candidates in need in the final hour of the campaign. this gives them an opportunity to do that. >> does it encourage you that things do seem to be changing and the spread seems to be closing in, there was washington
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post survey, marginal change in the race in october. and and that will make a difference. >> the notion of a blue wave is very unlikely. the president is as popular as ever and his agenda is working. this is why it is so important, nancy pelosi and democrats that they would take back the tax cut which we have seen the results of that, how this economy is growing because of donald trump's policies and what is republican congress have achieved with tax cuts and on top of that democrats talked about reducing spending for the military once again. iran for congress, served in afghanistan, ran for congress to rebuild the military and grow the economy and protect the american dream and nancy pelosi wants to take all of that away. that is what is at stake and why we created stop speaker
1:55 am, to give donors an opportunity to keep the republican majority, support donald trump and move forward as we have the past two years. heather: thanks for joining us, we will be right back, stay with us.
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>> time for the good, the bad and the ugly. the good, a judge throws off his robe and chases don't two men
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trying to escape court, the whole thing cost on camera. you see him lose his shoe. this happened in washington state. the judge caught one of the guys. the police officers got the other. the bad. ac lien stopping traffic in san diego, police escort and the lost and all safely across the road. the world workers will release it back into the ocean. finally the ugly. one community not clowning around this halloween. >> i will do it, you stay here. you are worried about people seeing this. people are not used to seeing one clown in a car. heather: city of michigan backing down after banning clown costumes from an event saying they were too scary. parent asked to use their judgment after principle nap a
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boy in colorado terrorizing kids in a clown mask. that wraps up this hour of "fox and friends first," thanks for joining us, "fox and friends first" continues right now. have a great day, goodbye. >> we are in charge of enforcing the laws. >> we got you, partner. rob: a fox news alert, battle at the border. dhs sounding the alarm on the criminals in the caravan heading toward the us. jillian: the struggle border agents face. another possible meeting with vladimir putin. rob: what the president hopes to get out of a second sit down with russian president. shannon: mother-to-be megan markel was escorted out of the marketplace. jillian: "fox and friends first" continues right now.


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